
Monday, January 7, 2008

PHP Injection

Now, after finishing the 10 basic missions. I learned to use and abuse SSI's as well as do some javascript injections. Now onto the Realistic Missions. On the first mission the objective was to make a band go to the top of their ranking list. You are able to vote from 1-5 for the band. The top band had an avg of 23 votes. So to bring our objective band to the top of the list. I used Firebug, a firefox extension, and changed the max rank from 1-5 to 1-1000 and submitted my vote with my 1000 option. Doing this threw our band above and beyond all the other bands. And hurray!! We win! There is another way to do this using php injection. But as with most things in IT, why do something the hard way, when there is a tool that will make it easier... IE Why do something a thousand times, when you can make a script to do it for you? I would still like to learn about PHP Injections, but I couldn't seem to get it to work correctly. Perhaps I will try it out some more in the future.

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