
Saturday, February 2, 2008

German Trojans

So, apparently the German government, after banning the creation, ownage, and usage of "hacking" software, they decided to create their own Trojan's to deploy to spy on the citizens. They are even thinking of jacking some Skype lines. After speaking about ethics and such, I would say that this is some major BS on their side. That's like the patriot act listening in on our phone conversations and reading our emails. Yeah you can catch a bad guy that way, and get in the lives of the good guys too. I don't think it's very ethical. In my opinion governments need to stay out of the civilians lives. I know they are there to "protect and serve" but I mean come the @#$% on... This is going a bit off topic, but I'm not a big fan of my government prying into my life. Anyway, back on topic. "Hacking" tools are being banned in many countries now. So what will this do? This will make the good guys trying to learn, IE Pen Testers, not be able to keep up with the bad guys. The bad guys that will have these tools whether it's legal or not. In short, government=blah, HACK THE PLANET! -hackers movie :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's also worth mentioning that the German government will not be able to limit this trojan to machines that reside within its own country. A government sponsored, server distributed trojan does NOT sound like the wisest idea.

Then again, the German government does have a history of going overboard in regard to civilian regulations...

As far as the patriot act, I'm not too concerned. If someone decides to add a few extra key words to he sniffer, it won't bother me much. I doubt the secret service will heckle me over forum activation emails and a spam folder full of penis pill and viagra ads.