
Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun with your DD-WRT

For those that have a DD-WRT flashed router, here are some funs things you can do with it!
First off, here is a firefox addon that will show your routers status in a status bar!
DD-WRT Firefox Addon

Boost your wireless signal
Go to the Wireless tab in the web interface followed by 'Advanced Settings'. Scroll down to the 'FXmit Power' and adjust accordingly(as the DD-WRT manual states, it is "safe" to increase it up to 70) Personally, I wouldn't want to fry my router, so I'd set it at 70 max ;)

Throttle bandwidth for things that are more important that others such as games over torrents. This is something most routers don't come with, but luckily you have a DD-WRT router right? :D

Cracking WEP
Using wepcrack on your DD-WRT, crack other AP's (please note this should never be done :P) Just set the storage of the capture files to be on a samba mount.

More to come once my brain works a bit more!

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